Zapatillas para caminar WVSport
Zapatillas para caminar WVSport
Nuestras notas
Piensa en unos zapatos prácticos para caminar que puedas usar todo el día sin pensar en ello. Súper cómodas, respiran y son ligeras. Como todos los modelos WVSport, están construidos con parte superior soldada balísticamente, lo que significa que permanecen unidos a las suelas, incluso con el uso regular en entornos difíciles. Cuando te los pruebes, apreciarás el pensamiento, el trabajo y la ciencia que se ha puesto en ellos, simplemente se sienten... bien. Desde la forma en que está construido el zapato para el control y la estabilidad del pie, hasta la forma en que se puede usar la suela exterior en caminatas urbanas y las exigencias de la vida cotidiana hasta caminatas en el campo.
Parte superior avanzada soldada balísticamente resistente a la abrasión, resistente al agua y transpirable creada con materiales Lyliane 3DMX.
Entresuela de PU con microburbujas de aire para amortiguación con una capa de TPU para máximo control y estabilidad.
Suela de TPU con agarre total con tacos anchos y puntera protectora.
Plantillas de EVA extraíbles para brindar soporte en el antepié y el mediopié.
Ética y Sostenibilidad
Este producto está certificado como carbono neutro.
Se entrega a través de nuestra cadena de suministro neutra en carbono en envases de papel y cartón.
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Love everything about them including how tough they are. Since the re-order time of my first pair was over 6 months, this time around I ordered a second pair just to have ready when I need them!
These shoes fit great and are a wonderfully comfortable fit for a good walk. I can tell they're high-quality, and I look forward to wearing these for years to come.
I bought a pair of these in April 2022, and have worn nothing else since. They've done 3000 miles, and the soles are just starting to get holes, two years later.
The bit above the toes does tear easily so treat that bit carefully, and the top layer of the insole peeled off sooner than I expected, but overall I'm really happy with these shoes.
I'll definitely be buying more when they're back in stock.
I bought a pair of these 3 years ago and have used them for everything since. They now need replacing but i have worked them so hard I'm amazed they lasted this long. I've been on loads of hikes and even climbed mountains in these. Worn for everyday work and social. They also look good with shorts in the summer. They aren't flashy but they are dependable and low maintenance. I think i'm going to get a new pair of these
I've worn a pair of these near enough all day every day for the last 18 months solid. It's only in the last few weeks that they've started to show signs of wear with the front "bumper" part of the sole on the left shoe coming away from the upper, which is almost certainly only due to regularly having to kneel down to pick up after the dog. They've been fantastically comfortable this whole time, fit like a glove, and when they're not caked with mud they look pretty smart (for a trainer).
Other shoes I've bought from WVS have also been equally well made and long-lived, which is saying something as shoes I've bought elsewhere have typically had very short lifespans due to my gait and the amount of walking I do. That's why I now only buy my shoes from WVS, and I've just bought my second pair of these trainers to replace the pair that are on their way out. Highly, HIGHLY recommended for those looking for rugged trainers.